วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 1 Mar 2024

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Transit Visa


1. Eligible Applicants for TS Visa

  • This category of visa is issued to persons who wish to enter the Kingdom of Thailand for the following purposes:
    • To travel in immediate and continuous transit through Thailand en route to another country or
    • To travel back to his/her own country over Thailand (category “TS”)
    • To participate in sports activities (sportsmen, sportswomen, etc.) (category “S”)
    • The person in charge or crew of a conveyance coming to a port, station or area in the Kingdom (category “C”)
    • Transit flight longer than 12 hours

2. TS Visa Conditions

  • TS Visa is valid for a single entry or double entries (subject to the applicants’s itinerary)* If the TS Visa holder is found to be in breach of the conditions for entry into Thailand, the stay permit will be revoked immediately and he/she will be prohibited from entering Thailand. *

3. TS Visa fee

      USD. 35.00/entry